News & Other Info
Here's What's Brewing...

Not only do I like the bolder taste, but it reminds me of my childhood when my mama or grandma used to take big mason jars and put the teabags inside with the tea tags hanging from the side then filled them with water. They would place it outside directly in the sun for hours. Once the tea was done they'd bring it back inside, add sugar and pour it over ice. We call it "sweet tea". In most sun tea recipes, there are certain varieties of tea used. Other than the size of the leaves, each option of brewing...
Is Herbal Tea Really Tea?

Is herbal tea real tea?What a lot of people get confused about is herbal blends(also known as Tisane) being the same as tea also known as Camellia Sinensis. The difference is that true tea is made from the leaves of the plant camellia sinensis, most commonly known as the tea plant, while herbal blends are made of using a combination of spices, flowers, dried fruits, bark and leaves belonging to edible, non-tea plants. So herbal tea is not technically a true tea because it does not come from the tea plant. The tea that comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant is Black...
Honey...Take the Edge Off and Relax!

In times of stress and uncertainty it can be hard to relax....We have no control over the outside things that happen in our world. Or to narrow it down, sometimes we have no control over the outside things that happen in our own personal lives. That can be difficult at times to navigate. We see the impacts of stress and how it effect us in different ways. The results of stress can effect us through our bodies physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Having a way to deal with the stress in a positive, healthy and natural way can be very...
Drink to That

Whether you want something to warm you up in the winter or cool you down in the summer, herbal tea can be consumed year-around. Since it's a delicious beverage at any temperature. The health benefits can also be enjoyed regardless of whether you drink it hot or cold. Here are some reasons as to why it's good for you: It Can Help You Unwind- Peppermint tea, Chamomile tea, Lemon balm tea Tea Boosts Your Immune System- Dandelion tea, Ginseng tea, Licorice tea, Cayenne tea Tea Can Help Reduce Pain and Soreness-Turmeric tea, Feverfew tea Tea Can Improve Your Digestive System-...
My Love Affair with Herbal Tea